8 Best Halloween Marketing Ideas for Your Business | Guello Marketing

8 Best Halloween Marketing Ideas for Your Business

8 Best Halloween Marketing Ideas for Your Business The second half of the year is full of major seasonal events, from Thanksgiving to Christmas. However, the biggest event in October is Halloween – the day associated with costumes, scary decorations, and everything spooky. Not only is Halloween a great time for themed parties and events,…

Social Media Marketing | Guello Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing The most important thing to remember about social media is that, while most social networks provide all the tools their members need to become content producers, the content produced for these platforms will always be user-generated and submitted by members. Whether the content is text, photos, videos, pins, customer reviews, a blog, a vlog,…

10 Reasons to Document Your Business Processes | Guello Marketing

10 Reasons to Document Your Business Processes

10 Reasons to Document Your Business Processes Documenting business processes might seem like a waste of time. After all, why would you want to write down what you already know? However, there are many benefits to be gained from process mapping that you may not have considered. Indeed, documenting business processes could reveal inefficiencies, improve…

Essential Business Etiquette | Guello Marketing

Essential Business Etiquette

Essential Business Etiquette While it is tempting to believe that etiquette isn’t important in the business world, this is obviously not true. Just as in any other area of life, good manners smooth your way and bad manners alienate other people. Those who understand and apply proper etiquette in the business world have a distinct…
