A Small Business Guide to Experiential Marketing | Guello Marketing

A Small Business Guide to Experiential Marketing

A Small Business Guide to Experiential Marketing With so much competition from other businesses, it’s more important than ever before for small brands to use innovative marketing strategies to stay afloat. This is why many small businesses are attracted to experiential marketing. So, what exactly does experiential marketing mean, and how can your small business…

Are You Missing the QR Code Bandwagon | Guello Marketing

Are You Missing the QR Code Bandwagon?

Are You Missing the QR Code Bandwagon? QR, Quick Response, Codes are extensively used by business around the world. That’s those square boxes with lots of little markings in them that seem to mean nothing. They do mean something though, and they can quickly respond with a message, link, or action to the person taking…

10 Ways to Make Your Customers Happier | Guello Marketing

10 Ways to Make Your Customers Happier

10 Ways to Make Your Customers Happier What comes first on your monthly sales meeting agenda? Do you celebrate the increase in new business? Or do you review orders from existing customers? If you spend more time reviewing new business opportunities than you do taking care of existing customers, you are not alone. After all,…

Creating a More Diverse Workforce | Guello Marketing

Creating a More Diverse Workforce

Creating a More Diverse Workforce Even though companies with a diverse workforce are more likely to outperform their competition, many organizations still struggle with diversity and inclusion. Not only does that cut into a company’s potential profitability, but it also looks bad in the eyes of its stakeholders. For example, many socially conscious consumers choose…
