Blog writing is an art where you can try to be as creative as possible. Yet, there are some rules that you should follow regardless of your niche. Below are thirteen tips that you can apply to the process of blog writing to achieve continued blog growth.
1. Always work according to a plan. The planning process includes doing the required research, mapping out ideas, categorizing those ideas, and then putting them in good order.
2. A great blog post is anatomically correct. The anatomy of a blog post is comprised of a killer title, subheadings, relevant internal links, images, social sharing buttons, call-to-action (top and/ or bottom), etc
3. If you’re blogging for money or business, each of your blog posts should have a goal.While you write with specific objectives in mind, you should also focus on the right metrics for measuring the ROI effectively.
4. Effective blog writing also requires razor- sharp focus. Before you start writing blog posts, you should have a clear idea about your target audience, their key interests, and their problems.
5. A blog writer should never ignore the SEO part. A search engine optimized blog post does better with search engines, bringing your blog the maximum number of visitors you can get from keyword visits. Therefore, you need to pay good attention to writing the metadata, particularly the meta description which search engines use in SERPs.
6. Use images that convey feelings, emotions, or message. The best idea is to evoke curiosity with your images among your blog readers while complementing the headline or the title of the blog post.
7. Choose to write on those topics that you are really passionate about. And remember that passion comes from knowledge, so make sure you know about the topics that you write about as well.
8. It’s not the number of words that count while you’re writing blog posts. It’s the idea or the originality of the content that matters. Sometimes, you can express your idea in just 200 or 300 words. At other times, you may need to write more than 500 words. Don’t focus on the number of words. Stop writing as soon as you feel you have said enough.
9. Though you may feel tempted to appeal to a much larger audience, it’s highly recommended that you stick to your own niche. You should understand the difference between specialists and generalists. Focus on becoming a niche specialist if you want to make more money.
10. Experiment with different types of posts. By doing so, you’ll create variety on your blog as well as discover what works best. Try writing how-to posts, news posts, definition posts, list posts, case studies, comparison posts, research posts, and controversial posts, among others.
11. Use bullet points wherever required. Bullet points work well because they grab the readers’ attention, make data easy to understand, and make referencing the main points at a later date easier.
12. Though it’s important to make your blog writing as informative as possible, it doesn’t mean you should bore readers. You can create the entertainment quotient regardless of the topics you cover. All it needs is a little amount of creativity. Make sure your blog readers have some fun as well.
13. Make it easy for your blog readers to interact. Whether it’s about talking to each other or connecting with you, interaction is the key to early blogging success. So, don’t ignore readers ever.
Every time you put your fingers on the keyboard of your computer, you should try to write blog posts in a way that quickly attracts the attention of blog readers and keeps them coming back for more. Following these tips will help you sharpen your writing skills and create a closer connection with the audience.
If blogging isn’t your forte, don’t tun away just yet. You understand the need for a blog, but now you need to figure out what topics would best fit your business and how to go about producing enough content each month. At Guello Marketing, we have professionals on hand who can asses your company knowledge and skills to create engaging content for your weekly or monthly blogs.
Incorporating relevant blogs to your Website and Facebook page is only a few steps away. Email darcy@guellomarketing.com or call (810) 373-5165 for a free quote!